What is a medical verification of pregnancy?
The first step in making the decision on how to handle an unexpected pregnancy is to get personalized accurate medical information and verification about your pregnancy. There are many tele-health options and countless amounts of information you can gather online, but nothing can replace a personalized in person medical verification of pregnancy.
Why do I need medical verification of pregnancy before taking the abortion pill?
The risks associated with taking the abortion pill with an ectopic pregnancy, or beyond the recommended gestation age can be devastating, even life threatening.
What if I am confident about my gestation age?
You can never be too safe when it comes to your health. Did you know a “false period”, also known as Implantation bleeding, is a common reason many women find they are farther along than they realized? Your body may be like clock work, but if you are like most women, irregular periods are common. Stress, medications, birth control, diet, and many other factors can lead to irregular periods. Some women also experience what may feel like a light period, but is actually implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is common and occurs at the time of a normal period. As noted by the mayo clinic. “Implantation bleeding is thought to happen when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. Implantation bleeding usually occurs around the time you would expect to have a menstrual period. However, implantation bleeding is lighter than menstrual bleeding.” If your last period was light, you may be assuming this missed period equals 4 – 5 weeks pregnant, you could be off by nearly 4 – 5 weeks and actually be closer to 10 weeks. The risks associated with self diagnosing and not having medical verification of gestation age when taking the abortion pill, can be devastating. Irregular period, implantation bleeding make it common for women to make a wrong estimation of their gestational age.
The risks associated with self diagnosing and not having medical verification of gestation age when taking the abortion pill, can be devastating.

What is an ectopic pregnancy? Why could that be a problem?
An ectopic pregnancy, according to the Cleveland Clinic, “An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that happens outside of the uterus. This happens when a fertilized egg implants in a structure that can’t support its growth. An ectopic pregnancy often happens in the fallopian tube (a pair of structures that connect the ovaries and uterus). The abortion pill is not prescribed to be effective for an ectopic pregnancy. Because an ectopic pregnancy can be life threatening, you should seek medical verification of the pregnancy, expected or unexpected, as soon as you suspect you may be pregnant.
Is Your Pregnancy Viable?
Nearly 25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Eighty percent of these occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you have a positive pregnancy test an ultrasound can help to confirm if the pregnancy is viable. Why put your body through an abortion procedure if the pregnancy isn’t viable?
Why is a medical pregnancy verification important?
Deciding what to do when you are unexpectedly pregnant can be a very overwhelming time in your life. You have a lot to consider. Online searching and tele-med will only get you so far. You deserve the best standard of care during this time and the ability to speak with someone that understands what you are going through. You deserve to have FREE medical verification of your pregnancy, to be treated with dignity and respect. You deserve a safe space to talk through your options. The more you know, the more confident you will be in making your decision. Review your results in a confidential, safe, professional environment. Ask all your questions and know you will get truthful information.
What can I expect from an in person pregnancy verification?
- Medical verification of your pregnancy
- Ultrasound examination upon confirmation of pregnancy
- Estimation of how many weeks you are into the pregnancy
- Viability of the pregnancy
- Consultation with a medical professional to review your options
- You will not be provided with an abortion, abortion pills, or abortion referral at this appointment.
Our services are FREE and valued at $500 for the medical appointment. This service will give you the insights you need to make your decision.
Click here for a list of FREE clinics in our directory.
Clicking on this page was the first step to getting help and realizing you are not alone. An unexpected pregnancy right now in your life can be quite shocking. Chances are if this was unplanned or even undesired, you can be feeling a lot of emotions leaving you scared, panicked, and confused. It is important to remember you have options and you are not alone, but first you need to make sure you are pregnant and if the pregnancy is viable. The first step is contacting a pregnancy center in your area to have a pregnancy test, ultrasound and consultation.