Do any of these sound familiar?
If you think you may be pregnant, here are some pretty common symptoms:
- Headaches
- Mood swings
- Unusual food cravings
- Tender breasts
- Missed period
- Fatigue
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
- Going to the bathroom more often
- A “bloated” feeling in your abdomen
- Morning sickness
- Some cramping and even possible bleeding.
Did you know that some women mistake implantation bleeding for a period and are really farther along in their pregnancy? It can happen, which is why you need to have a pregnancy test and an ultrasound.

It’s normal for the idea of being pregnant to feel overwhelming. This can be a surprise and for many women it comes at the most inconvenient of time. Pregnancy is likely not in your immediate plans. We understand! We are here for women like you every day. Remember, first and foremost you need to take care of yourself. This means, understanding your body to help make the best decision for you in this particular situation. If you think you might be pregnant and are considering your options, schedule your free appointment with a nurse today.
So, could you be pregnant? The proof is in a medical grade pregnancy test. But even before you miss a period, you might suspect that you’re pregnant. The first step is to confirm your pregnancy and check on your health. The at-home tests, or the period and fertility apps may contain good indicators, but nothing is more accurate than a medical-grade pregnancy test we provide at our clinics.