Where to go

 Do you think you are pregnant but not sure where to start?

If you are like most women who suspect they might be pregnant, denial, doubt, fear, shame, guilt, anger, confusion and possibly a dozen other thoughts are likely racing through your mind. Concerns about how much time you have to make a decision may be your next thought. What you want to be sure of is to make a thoughtful, well-informed decision after you have reviewed all the facts and all of your options. Regardless of what you have been told you do not need to make this decision immediately. You will live with your decision for the rest of your life so take the time to make the best choice for you.

Determine your safe places to go.
Do you have trusted family or friends who you can go to who can safely and calmly walk you through this process? If so, do not be afraid to reach out to them if they have shown you in the past they can be a safe place to land and help you navigate this to make the most informed, thoughtful choices.

If you cannot think of family or friends to reach out to then your next step would be finding a trusted place to go to that will help 1) confirm your pregnancy, 2) explain all your options and the impact of each choice and 3) provide additional resources. No matter which places you go, look for places that will inform you and support you no matter what you decide. Check their website, their reviews, call them and then pick the best places for you to go. Do not be afraid to go to more than one place to get as much information as possible.

Places to go:
Your OB/GYN’s office or a local medical clinic.
Chances are they will be able to at least confirm your pregnancy. They typically do not have the case management support you may need immediately. Did you know there are 14,000 federally qualified healthcare clinics around the country who have reduced/sliding scale fees? These medical clinics are a safe and viable option for initial care. Chances are they will refer you out depending on the choices you are considering.

A pregnancy care center. There are easily 4,000 centers around the country. They provide free pregnancy services (pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, options counseling, adoption referrals, and parenting programs). Pregnancy centers that provide ultrasounds and other related medical services have trained medical staff, OB/GYN and Medical Director supervision and follow all HIPPA and OSHA compliance guidelines. They will offer to stay with you throughout your journey regardless of the choice you make.

An adoption agency. An adoption agency can be there in the early stages even if you have not decided on adoption or make that choice in the end. For many women, this can be a viable first or early step or safe place to land. The cost is typically free for the pregnant woman. If you do not choose adoption, you may be referred to other services.

An abortion clinic. These facilities confirm pregnancy, provide an ultrasound, and will discuss your options. If you choose parenting or adoption, they will need to refer you out for follow up care. Their services are not free but typically on a sliding scale. You will not necessarily speak with a medical provider in your early visits so be sure to ask for that option if you want to speak to a doctor. Make sure you receive all the information about the various procedure options, review the ultrasound scan to confirm your week’s gestation and be sure you know the side effects and risks of any of the abortion options you are provided.

TN Pregnancy Support provides resources about and referrals to services vital to your health and safety including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and nursing consultations. We do not provide abortions and/or referrals to facilities that perform abortion services.